
Almond Apple Banana Smoothie

Almond Apple Banana Smoothie.

First off, happy 2013! The old has gone, and the new come.

I believe everyone has had their fair share of highlights in the past year — and while we remember the good, let’s also forget the bad (learn from them, too) then look forward to better things 🙂

I haven’t been able to keep up with the blog in the past few months. Changes will come but possibly slower than expected; yet it’s all about taking things one at a time! I’m just happy to have all of you with me on this journey.

Today being 1st January, I thought I’d start off the new year with something simple and healthy to share. And these two are also part of the goals I had set for myself when I first started sharing. It’s nice, then, to remind myself and to have things go full circle.

I hope you enjoy this easy-to-make and super refreshing almond apple banana smoothie!

Read on for the recipe!

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes topped with strawberries, bananas, maple syrup and icing sugar.

I’m always finding ways to use up the second half of my buttermilk carton.

That’s because most of the time the recipes I use call for only a bit, plus it’s not like I’m feeding an army here at home. It’s terribly inconvenient that the supermarket stocks them in such large quantities.

And then, I thought of pancakes.

Yummy, scrumptious, light and fluffy buttermilk pancakes!

I’m a total breakfast person, so pancakes are definitely top of the list when it comes to my idea of an all-day breakfast menu.

Read on for the recipe!

Blueberry Banana Buttermilk Bread

Blueberry Banana Buttermilk Bread, all gift-wrapped.

Blueberries have been on sale at the local supermarket!

I was so excited when I first found out, because they aren’t cheap over here. Plus, they go really well with my bakes, and I was just about to start the rhythm of baking again.

So I made some blueberry banana buttermilk bread (oh, the beautiful alliteration) on a whim.

Best of all, I made little portions which are just great for sharing!

Read on for the recipe!

Banana Rocher Frozen Pops

DIY Banana Ferrero Rocher.

Here’s one that’s sure to be a cheat’s favourite.

Everyone loves a chocolate fix, but sometimes the thought of having to go lengths to satisfy that craving can seem a little daunting. Today’s feature offers the perfect solution.

Bite-sized and deliciously decadent, this deceptively impressive-looking sweet treat is great for last-minute summer entertaining. (The first look reminds you of Ferrero Rocher, no?)

Also, as these pops are served frozen, they can be made ahead of time and stored in the freezer for a fuss-free after-meal party dessert.

It’s so easy to make, you wouldn’t believe it.

Read on for the recipe!

Strawberry-Blueberry and Banana-Peach Cobblers

Strawberry-blueberry cobbler dusted wtih icing sugar, yum!

Presenting to you: summer on a plate!

Strawberries, blueberries and peaches… All the fruits that are splendid this time of the year. Not that we really have such local produce here in Singapore — or seasons at all, for that matter — but we do get hints from the food imports found in the supermarkets.

I had all these fruits piling up in my refridgerator, so I searched for a simple recipe to turn them into a delish dessert.

And, since this treat was so easy peasy to make, I decided to jump in with both feet, making two at one go!

Read on for the recipe!

Banana Walnut Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Banana walnut cake served with tea in a strawberry cup ha ha.

You know how some foods just give you a feeling of home?

The humble banana cake is a classic that does just that.

For me, it brings back memories of the banana slices I used to pack to school for an afternoon snack during recess. But of course, those were pretty crappy ones bought off the shelf of the neighbourhood bakery.

Those might’ve fooled little me, but my now mature taste buds know better than that. They crave the real thing. No artificial banana flavouring, but authentic ripe bananas mashed into a batter to create the most homemade, delectable experience.

Read on for the recipe!

Health Steps: Rolled Oats

Rolled oats with honey, dried cranberries and fresh banana.

Rolled oats are considered an excellent choice when it comes to a healthy diet. They make for good breakfast food, and can also be eaten as a snack at midday.

As a good source of dietary fibre, iron and thiamine, it is claimed that these oats can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. And for those looking to shed some pounds, it’s amazing that rolled oats have been found to be a “natural weight-loss food” because they fill you up and help keep you on your diet plan.

Today I’m sharing a simple way to prepare and enjoy your rolled oats 🙂


Banana PB Choc Chip Wholemeal Cookies

It’s taken me three days to get this post up, but certainly way less than that to finish these cookies. Soon, they’re going to become a staple in my everyday diet ha ha. Gosh, they are so addictive!

Who doesn’t love banana, PB and choc chips? And now, all together!? Plus my favourite wholemeal!!! (I am almost hyperventilating here.)

Sure, too many cookies can be bad for you, and I did somewhat promise healthy food on this blog, but I couldn’t help myself with this one.

Besides, we all need a balanced diet, don’t we? And by “balanced”, surely I mean a mixture of healthy recipes and the occasional indulgences. Comfort food makes for a happy tummy — and ultimately a happy soul. These cookies are so good, you’d be chomping them down guilt-free 🙂

Read on for the recipe!

Banana, Walnut and Almond Biscotti Bars

It’s a lazy Labour Day. Ironic but true. Thank God it’s a public holiday! And there’s nothing like enjoying the foods of your own labour (nope, no pun intended there). Well, the only type of labour I’d be happy to engage myself in on a day like this is some work in the kitchen. I practically get lost in a world of my own in there. It’s strangely terribly therapeutic :’)

So last night I noticed an overripe banana sitting lonely in the fridge. It was the perfect baking banana jumping right out at me. It was time to do something about it. I stumbled upon this banana-pecan biscotti recipe on WordPress that sounded just lovely.

I’ve always been tempted to buy a biscotti or two when I’m at Starbucks. They look so… Tempting. But unfortunately I can’t bear to always part with my money that way. Sometimes you’ve to be realistic and know you can’t always “live to eat”; I have to resort to “eating to live”.

With these healthy and superbly yummy biscotti bars so simple to make, it’s time to say hi to getting more bang for your buck.

Read on for the recipe!